Tuesday 23 August 2016

Is Heat Treatment Really Effective in Killing Bed Bugs?

bed bug heat treatment
Bed bugs are parasites which feeds on the blood of a human host. They mainly live in bed mattresses, carpets, furniture cracks and baseboards. They can hide in something as small as nail indentation on a wall. Most common infestation is close to their host i.e. on your bed. Bed bugs control is a quite challenging task as they can easily hide in many places. Its necessary to take professional help of a bed bug extermination service provider in Canada to get rid of their infestation.

What is bed bug heat treatment?

They can be killed through excessive heat. This method of killing them is called bed bug heat treatment. The sites near to your bed where bed bugs can be found easily are a good start for heat treatment. Success of this technique depends on early detection and correct methodology.

Few techniques to kill bed bugs are:

1. Hot Box

This technique involves placing items such as shoes, blankets, clothes into a hot box for bed bug removal. A sustainable heat is provided to kill bed bugs present in your belongings. Heat penetrates through all items to inspect the suspects. Fatal temperature for bed bugs range from 117°F to 122°F. The walls of the hot box reach a higher temperature than suggested range, in order to kill all these pests. But it needs quite carefulness. An incorrectly used heat source can cause fire, so caution is must for this method.

2. Steam

Steam is another form of heat that is used to kill them. Though steam treatment works well, but it doesn't penetrate deeply through materials to kill the hidden bed bugs. Steaming works better on items such as bed frames, sheets, curtains and pillows without causing any damage.

3. Dryers

Even cloth dryers can kill bed bugs. Hot and soapy water in the washer alone can kill them, but there are few items besides clothes that cannot be washed and can get damaged if put inside a washer. Those items can be run through a dryer without any damage. A high heat of a dryer if applied on an item for at least 20 minutes will kill them. It's advised to keep freshly cleaned items away from the infected ones, as they can get contaminated again.

4. Home heat treatment

In this heat treatment method, homes generally require increasing room temperatures to a high level that is fatal for bed bugs. This will allow heat to penetrate in all areas where bed bugs can reach including cracks, crevices, etc. Professionals with proper equipments need to administer this treatment. This is generally an effective and expensive way to exterminate bed bug infestations in all stages of their life. If performed properly, it can provide effective bed bug prevention.

These were the few adequate treatments involved in bed bugs infestation control. They can put you in an uncomfortable situation. You need to eradicate then as soon as you spot them in your home or belongings. 911bedbugs.ca is a Canadian company which specializes in bed bug elimination services through various heat treatments with help of highly trained professionals.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, heat treatment for bed bugs is by far the best and most commonly used treatment for bed bugs problem. Last month, hired a reputed pest control company that helped me in treating this issue in such affordable price. Loved their services!
